Monday, April 4, 2011

No, It's Everybody's War On The Young

A column I stumbled across from The Washington Times has managed to irk me greatly- the tiresome old meme of 'oh, those naive young kids who voted for Obama. What rubes! We old people know best' that Conservatives love to sneer about these days is on fine display in all it's glory, accusing Obama of waging an 'energetic war on the young' and how, us poor college kids/recent college grads don't know that a lifetime of servitude to big government awaits and haha you silly bastards, this is what you get for voting for Obama!

First of all: could I just say that it would be thrilling to see the President wage an energetic war on anything at this point in Presidency. (Afghanistan springs to mind, for instance. Maybe even that turd sandwich of Libya he's so hot on.)

Second of all: I really don't know why this bothered me. It's the Washington Times. I'm pretty sure the Reverend Moon owns this thing. Not exactly the pinnacle of awesome journalism.

Third of all (and this is the meat and potatoes kids): This really pisses me off sometimes. What am I, Bambi? For all the posturing and gloating this column does it fails to mention a fairly salient point in all of this: Republicans are no picnic. Yes, I did vote for President Obama. No, I probably won't do so again- but understand this: I don't believe in the brand of Christianity that wants to force itself on people. I don't like social conservatives trying to convert me to their brand of Christianity and I really don't like hypocrisy from Republicans who preach about the evils of government, yet want to get it just small enough to get into bed with Americans everywhere to make sure they're not sleeping with someone who's the wrong gender or into anal sex or things like that.

So yes, I voted for President Obama. Because I want no part of the so-called Culture Wars- I just want to be left alone. I don't want sermons on morality or the supposed evils of gay marriage. People can believe what they want to believe and that's fine. I'll be over here believing what I want to believe all by myself.

And another thing: yes, college professors did try to spoon-feed you left wing bullshit in college, but I'm certainly no brain-washed zombie and neither are a lot of people my age that I know. Young people may be Bambi-esque at times, because we're young and idealistic and haven't had life to beat the shit out of us yet, but we're also incredibly cynical. And I have a lot of faith in that cynicism.

Basically: Republicans suck. Stop pretending like you're friends to the young when you are just as bad as President Obama is.

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