Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Don't Feed The Beast

A University of Iowa Professor has landed in some hot water after telling College Republicans to 'fuck off' after receiving notification of their annual event 'Conservative Coming Out Week.'

My initial reaction was: Who cares? Uber-Liberal Iowa Professor calls Republicans Names. Alert the media on that one- it's not like people didn't already know that the vast majority of faculty at Iowa were howlingly liberal anyway. I mean, Johnson County is known far and wide across the state as 'The People's Republic of Johnson County.' This is the most Democratic county in the entire state pretty much. You can count Republicans on one hand here, pretty much.

But, the Professor in question should have known better. If Republicans are good at one thing, it's making humongous deals out of relatively tiny things and reaping tons of political plaudits for themselves as a result. Look at what happens whenever anyone calls Sarah Palin a name. Her operation goes into overdrive announcing this to all and sundry and she gets a ton of free media as a result that gets Conservatives very excited. Expect a similar thing to happen here.

(Another point worth making: I don't know why Conservatives at Iowa feel so apparently ashamed of themselves. Every year, they're urged to set aside their shame and be OUT and PROUD of their Conservatism. I don't get it. I grew up in Iowa City and developed a healthy aversion to Socialism and Politically Correct bullshit that is the hallmark of Progressive Politics in this country as a result. I'm no fan of Republicans- they, as I've noted before in the past, seem to be very eager to get involved in my sex life which is just creepy- but the intellectual pillars of modern Progressive politics have long since been exhausted by the inexorable march of time itself. Clinging to them desperately, in the face of all common sense and new economic realities just makes the Left, such as it is in this country, seem more reactionary than Republicans themselves at time.)

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