Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The LensCrafters of Big Abortion...

That's what Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann dubbed Planned Parenthood on her latest swing through Iowa. She was in Iowa City last night, but I didn't go. I figure if she does run for President she'll be back through here again so if I'm that tickled by her campaign, I'll have opportunities to see her again.

But: this Social Conservative crap needs to change it's tone. The rhetoric seems reckless and out of control and it's going to turn moderates and independents off if the Republicans nominate a candidate who runs this far to the right on social issues. Now, I get it: if social issues are important to you, then I don't expect you to compromise your principles. Personally, I think less abortions would be a good thing- but I also think high quality family planning services are also a good thing and Planned Parenthood provides lots of those. I also think that with divorce rates for straight couples in this country running at about 50% or so long before the gay marriage issue came to the forefront, I'd say marriage has been in trouble for awhile now and it has nothing to do with the gays! (And I'm pretty sure no less an authority that Jesus himself said something meaningful about getting the two by four lodged in your eyeball pried loose before worrying about the splinter in your neighbor's eye. So we can do with less hysteria on that score too, please...)

But I do get it: people of faith care about these issues and this is America- there's a lot of church-going folk here. But there's got to be a way to speak to those issues without sounding, oh, how do I put it? Well: without sounding completely batshit crazy to the large swathes of people that don't share your extremist theology.

Besides: 'the LensCrafters of Big Abortion?' Really? How's LensCrafters going to feel about that?

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