Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Let's All Act Our Age Now, Please

President Obama released his birth certificate today- a long form version, so that there will be no doubt, save in the minds of the creepy, paranoid just plain crazy people who will never be convinced no matter what he does. He did it, he said, to end the debate about 'the silliness' and move onto 'bigger things.' While it's easy to applaud the sentiment and funny that he followed that up with a long lecture to his BFFs, the Mainstream Media about encouraging this stupidity, it's worth noting that it's past time for the Left Wing to give up it's favorite sexist, creepy obsession: that of Trig Palin's parentage.

For those who hadn't heard: apparently Trig Palin's is Bristol's kid. There's a lot more nauseating sexism and misogyny to the story that I really don't want to get into here, but that's pretty much the long and short of it. Sarah Palin faked an entire pregnancy to make a point about teen pregnancy to her own daughter. It's creepy, sexist and downright disgusting and needs to be consigned to the realm of crazy, tin-foil hat wearing nutjobs along with the people that don't buy the birth certificate. (It's been less than a day, I'm sure there are some.)

Think I'm just spewing right wing talking points? (And if you're a good Liberal, you should be against things like sexism, right?) Consider this condemnation from Britain's Guardian newspaper- which is further left than any Democrat you've ever met.

My point: time for everyone to grow up.

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