Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Don't Pull A 'Lost'

Apparently, the ending of 'Lost' has become synonymous with rage-inducing weirdness that alienates fans and generally pisses people off. Forthcoming HBO Series 'Game Of Thrones' author George RR Martin recently confessed his fears of 'effing up the ending' and 'pulling a Lost.'

This inspired the ire of 'Lost' co-creator Damon Lindelof via Twitter so I guess we have another mindless celebrity feud on our hands.

But, there are a few things worth noting:

1. Martin needs to have an ending, before he can worry about 'effing it up.' As of this writing, his fantasy series 'A Song Of Fire and Ice' remains unfinished.

2. Better advice for Martin: don't pull a Robert Jordan. Who, unfortunately, died before he could finish his series, 'The Wheel of Time.' (Brandon Sanderson is stepping in to finish it off using Jordan's notes.)

3. As finales go, 'Lost' doesn't sound half-bad. I mean, if you were a fan of the show, you should have realized that something damn strange was going on in about Season 1. There are worse finales. 'Seinfeld' springs to mind, but I was never a huge fan of that show. If you want to go old school, I can't imagine something more irritating that getting invested in a television show just to discover that it was all a dream ('Roseanne' or 'St Elsewhere') or even just ending randomly, apropos of nothing like 'The Sopranos.'

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