Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Job Chronicles Day 9

I'm going to try a different tack. Recession be damned, I want to push myself and reach for something real, significant and just plain awesome. Sure, I could be a cop in some place like Webster City. That would be a solid accomplishment for 5 years or so and it wouldn't be nothing- but I think my goals and aspirations can be higher than that. Ali consistently accuses me of being scattershot and wanting to do something different every single day- but really, I don't. I don't change the menu around every day- I just make it longer. With all the options in the world, I want to make sure I'm aiming high enough.

So, that said- my latest tack:

1. Iowa Democratic Party
2. Iowa Libertarian Party
3. Iowa Green Party
4. Congressman Dave Loebsack
5. CATO Institute
6. NPR (WSUI/KSUI and/or Iowa Public Radio)
7. KRUI, 100.7 or 102.9 (it'd be fun to work in radio)
8. The Press-Citizen and the Gazette (let's try journalism- add the DMRegister to that list as well.)

9. The Alphabet Soup of Government Agencies I find interesting. (Some of which I've already applied for.)

10. The United Nations and a plethora of international organizations I find interesting. (Why not indeed?)

I think that pretty much covers it. My goal is to get resumes, cover letters and writing samples out to all of these places by the end of the month and see what happens. That way, whatever happens- I'll know that at the very least, I tried everything and didn't limit myself to the mundane or the practical. Even in a recession, there's no time for the mundane or the practical. I'm not a mundane or a practical person- neither is Ali really. We both have elements of practicality, but mundane we are NOT. Which is probably we're so perfect for each other. Even if we do end up somewhere like Webster City, we won't be conventional about things.

Don't be conventional. Don't be mundane. Don't be practical. Do anything and everything you want to do- and even if you're struggling to find a job or struggling in general, live the cliche. Take the lemons of this recession and make lemonade out of them. View the chaos of the economy as an opportunity not a hazard.

Hopefully, I'll reap the benefits.

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