Friday, July 8, 2011

Where's The Action?

Apparently it's all in North Liberty and Coralville these days...

North Liberty is breaking ground on a new McDonald's- it's first! A huge change from when I was a kid around these parts and driving to North Liberty meant actually being out of the city and in the country for more than 45 seconds or so. (Plus mad props to Kevin O'Brien- the guy owns all 9 area McDonalds and must make out like a bandit.)

Coralville has a possible two-fer in the works: first they landed Backpocket Brewery for their prime retail district, the Iowa River Landing (which is growing nicely.) Second, there is growing buzz about a possible whitewater park down there as well.

And where's Iowa City in all this excitement? Well, if that's the sound of crickets you hear, there's a reason...

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