Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Miss Cleo Says... (Migraine Edition)

Well, this is interesting: Michelle Bachmann has surged to second place in some of the latest polls, but someone has found out that the Congresswoman suffers from crippling stress-related migraines that can reportedly leave her incapacitated for 'days at a time.' It's hard to see how this is going to play out in the campaign yet, but after a month riding high, Bachmann 2012 has found its first major snag.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is heading to Iowa, which will undoubtedly spark a fresh round of Presidential speculation...

Texas Governor Rick Perry's flirtation continues- but it looks increasingly likely that he too will jump in at some point.

Sarah Palin, as always, remains a mystery, despite a documentary opening in theaters nationwide and a puff piece from Newsweek.

As for me, it's looking increasingly likely that I'm going to have to shop around for an independent candidate to support. President Obama has been a grave disappointment, from his timid stance on gay marriage to his recent flip-flop on medical marijuana, to his handling of the economy and even his weak-kneed foreign policy. As of right now, I'm open to arguments for a second term, but they're going to have to be very good ones.

All of the Republican candidates are non-starters for me at this point. I cannot support their stances on social issues, not because I feel that those issues are especially important to me- some of them are, but not all of them, it's just that I feel on those issues the government needs to but out. It's cloaking a big government philosophy in morality and hiding it behind a Bible and it makes me crazy. This race is about the economy and radically transforming our government for the 21st Century reality that we're coming to grips with. No one has a plan to do that- when someone does, they'll have my attention.

(Interesting aside: both Texas Governor Rick Perry and President Obama inherited an economy from George W. Bush. Obama handled it his way. Perry handled it his- and guess where the bulk of the economic activity is happening now? That's right, Texas. If Perry gets in- he's going to get very big, very fast.)

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