Saturday, January 22, 2011

So About That 'Civility' Thing...

My morning started on a high note when I logged onto HuffPost and found that Keith Olbermann and MSNBC were 'parting ways.' I can do many things, but cartwheels aren't one of them- however given the chance, I might just attempt one to celebrate this awesome bit of news. Work isn't done yet, though- keep that in mind. I know Conservatives are popping champagne and celebrating this morning, but the fact remains that Mr. Olbermann wasn't the only bloviating gasbag that was a cancer on our body politic. There's Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Matthews, Maddow, O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson and whole host of other people that make their living off of outright contamination of civil discourse in this country.

So while Olbermann's departure is, I think, a victory for civility in this country, keep in mind that we've got a long, long way to go.

UPDATED: The plot thickens. Looks like with the Comcast/NBC merger given the go ahead (way to toe the line against the corporate media, Mr. President. Thanks for letting the outlets of free speech in this country be controlled by fewer and fewer people!) the new bosses wanted lefty MSNBC to take a more 'balanced' turn. In other words, Comcast bosses donated heavily to Republicans and they wanted Olbermann out. And the fact that he wanted more money just made that easy for them. A big victory for the corporate media, which I'm not happy about- even if Olbermann was a gasbag.

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