Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just When You Thought It Was Safe...

...the shenanigans for 2012 are getting underway already. Does that make anyone else want to drink heavily? Well, pass the whiskey, kids, because, although it's presumed that President Obama will go for a second term, the situation on the GOP side of the aisle is murky at worst and has all the makings of a bloodbath at best and Republicans, its expected, will line up for a shot at President Obama in 2012 and the line is already forming...

Gingrich is in.

Jindal is out.

There's a weird story at Huffington Post about NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Florida Congressman Joe Scarborough launching an independent bid, either together or separately (it's not entirely clear.)

Palin is (probably) in- if Bristol Palin can oust Brandy on DWTS, then anything is possible. If she gets past Jennifer Grey and Kyle Massey to take the Mirror Ball Trophy, everyone should stop laughing, because it'll be clear evidence that there are serious Palin fans out there. (And it's making people crrrrrrrazy!)

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