Wednesday, November 17, 2010

End Of The Crazy Train

After controversy erupted over college kids drinking their product by the gallon, the Federal Government started sniffing around and now, the makers of hyper-caffinated, very alcoholic Four Loko are announcing that they're taking the caffeine out of their product from now on.

Let us all now pause to celebrate yet another massively stupid action by the Federal Government.

Massively stupid? Yes, and I'm not just saying this because I enjoyed Four Loko far more than I did it's distant cousin/counterpart Joose, but because we still seem to be operating under the notion that banning something is going to keep kids from acting like damn fools when it comes to alcohol. The real solution to this is changing our drinking culture, but we can't do that through legislation and I've yet to hear a compelling way to accomplish that.

Plus, as long as there is vodka and Red Bull on the market, kids can create their own version of Four Loko and drink themselves just as silly.

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