Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why Does Steve King Matter?

Let me explain something to everyone out there not familiar with the great state of Iowa: Rep. Steve King does not represent the state in any meaningful way. He represents the western part of the state, which is the more rural and most conservative part of the state. The crazy things he says: works perfectly for his constituency- though for how long, I don't know... let me put it this way:

Michelle Bachman:Minnesota::Steve King:Iowa

Does everyone get it now? As much as I roll my eyes whenever Rep. King's latest whatever reaches the media, it's not like he's a good representation of politics in Iowa or what people believe in Iowa. Although I live in the wonderful liberal fishbowl (gag) of Iowa City, people in this state tend to be practical, sensible human beings. King does not seem to be possessing of either attribute in great abundance.

Put another way, every state has a crazy politician- whether liberal or conservative and Steve King is ours, I guess.

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