Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Somebody's In Trouble

Top US Commander in Afghanistan Gen. Stanley McChrystal has landed himself in deep doo-doo over this (too candid) article in Rolling Stone, in which less than complimentary things are said about the administration. (Except for Hillary Clinton. They like her, I guess.) The good General has been summoned to Washington and the proverbial shit is hitting the proverbial fan in a major way.

Reading the article, I can't believe that the military- normally so tight-lipped, especially when dealing with the press, would let this actually slip out! It's unbelievable how candid this article is, which makes for fascinating reading about the tension between military-diplomats-NATO in Afghanistan and military-administration in Washington D.C., but at the same time, while you realize that those tensions exist, most of the parties involve keep their turf wars and pissing matches off of the radar of the Press. The Good General (or his staff, in this case) did not and it's downright shocking the lack of tact and discretion that's been shown here.

That doesn't make some of the points made in the article any less valid: we need to get our shit together when it comes to Afghanistan. Something has to change, valid progress needs to shown. I don't know. I think standing by Karzai after such a blatantly fraudulent election is ultimately going to be our undoing in Afghanistan. A solution to the problem? I'm not sure if there is one...

UPDATED: Politico.com is predicting General McChrystal is done. In other words: whatever war strategy we had just got very, very mess.

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