Thursday, October 11, 2012

Great Moments in Veep Debates


Proud to say that in the 4th Grade I cast an entirely fake vote for Ross Perot and Admiral Stockdale in the stupid Kids Vote thing they made us do. (That 'Fiercely Independent Politics' thing on the top of the blog? I mean that- and it began in 1992 with Perot and Stockdale.)


I believe the words you're looking for are: 'Oh SNAP.'

I'll be stuck at work tonight so I won't be watching the much anticipated and slobbered over match-up between Vice President Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. Some Conservatives out there seem pretty confident that Ryan will mop the floor with Biden but I think Biden's a tricky old dude. It wouldn't surprise me if he does OK and at this point expectations for him are so low in some quarters that if he can make it through without drooling on himself, they'll be able to spin it as a win.

UPDATED: For everyone that's weary of these two party shenanigans, some interesting thoughts on Dr. Jill Stein, Presidential Candidate for the Green Party. (Here and here) Might have to take a look at her website...

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