Sunday, February 27, 2011

Krugman Blathers

Good God.
1. You can't change math. I think sweetheart deals and tax breaks for business should be thrown out too along with every dime of corporate welfare. But at the same time, unions are asking A LOT. State budgets aren't in the state their in only because of the rich.

2. Education spending in the United States has increased something like 177% since the 70s and you know how much performance has increased? Not one little bit. It's flatlining. If teachers unions aren't producing results then that's a bit of union busting I might have less qualms about.

3. Not everything is a billionaire libertarian conspiracy. We need to enact fundamental changes to our society, government, education and health care systems and we need to do so NOW. Republicans at least are doing something. What, if anything do Democrats have to offer except more of the same- which fundamentally won't work anymore.

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