Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hitch Weighs In

Christopher Hitchens has weighed in with a truly scathing response to the Obama Administration's current actions in regards to Libya- and I have to say that I completely agree with him.

I understand that we held off a bit until we got our people out of there- but the EU, with MORE people in Libya than we had was being a lot harsher in terms of their rhetoric before we even got our people off the ground.

I understand that this President may be leery of throwing our military assets into another potential sinkhole in the Middle East.

But: Hitch has it right. It's time for some actual leadership on this issue. A no-fly zone keeps our people off the ground (rightfully so) would keep Colonel Nutbag from strafing his citizens with his own planes OR flying more mercs from sub-Saharan Africa in to reinforce himself. After decades of watching Colonel Nutbag rent out their country's natural resources to the highest bidder, it's no wonder Libyans are a bit leery- even pissed at foreign corporations and workers who they probably see as tools of the regime, to some degree- which is why a no-fly zone makes sense, because it keeps us off the ground.

The people of Libya are going up against a heavily armed lunatic armed with little more than their courage and whatever they can find. It's time for the International Community- no, it's time for the United States to step up and help 'em out.

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