Friday, April 3, 2009


KICK ASS! The Iowa State Supreme Court struck down a 1998 state law this morning which limited marriage to one man and one woman. Starting April 24th, gay marriage will be legal in the state of Iowa!

I have lived in Iowa for the majority of my life and I LOVE this state to death. Just when you think you have it figured out, this state will always, always, always surprise you. As a political scientist, it irritates me that Iowans keep the same people in office for decades at a time and take a laid back 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' attitude to many things they shouldn't, but gosh darn it, every once in awhile, this state does something that blows that assumption of mine to pieces.

Such as this.

As Iowans, I think we walk past our state flag every day and don't take a second look at it. After all, it's a state flag- and really, state flags in the United States aren't that interesting a lot of the time. But if you take a second look at it, you'll find a sentiment that captures this state perfectly- our motto: 'Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.'

That's right. Us farmers and dirt-worshipers PRIZE our liberties and we EXTEND them to others. All those snotty coastal elites who think we're just flyover states, well let me ask you this: is gay marriage legal in YOUR state? Because the Jesus worshipping, dirt-loving hicks you sneer at just made it legal in THEIRS! So suck it.

Now, there are going to be pessimists who will argue that this is going to be short-lived and that the 'natural conservatism' of the Midwest will turn this thing over right away- but not so! Recent polling shows that a majority of Iowans support some form of recognition for same-sex couples and- and here's the good part- they can't just throw a constitutional amendment on the ballot right away! The state legislature wants to get out of town, so they probably won't touch it this session- which means this:

They have to pass the Amendment in 2 consecutive sessions of the legislature ('10 and '11) before it goes to a public vote (2012!) That's three years at the earliest before they can overturn this thing! If they can do that!

Marriage starts April 24th. And I have never been prouder to be Iowan than I am today.

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