Saturday, April 4, 2009

Rewarding Failure

So they're helping firms avoid bailout pay restrictions!

You know what, I'm done. For real. This is just plain ridiculous- I mean, what's the point? What's the point of spouting off some crap about how you understand populist rage only to get caught two weeks later helping the crooked buggers squirm out of pay restrictions?

This is a very simple equation to me: first of all, Congress needs to READ the bills they pass- and maybe think for a second or two before they pass them instead of just vomiting up pieces of legislation like a drunk college kid whose had ten shots of Jaeger and still hasn't recovered from the hangover the next day at work. This never should have happened. Someone needs to sit Congress down and pass a very simple law based on the follow things:

1. If your company needs government help, you're in trouble. This means that if you're asking the government to interfere in the free market- you fucked up.

2. Therefore, because of this, until such time as any and all government help is fully paid back, all merit-based (i.e. things you get for success and not failure) bonuses are suspended. Government help to keep your company afloat trumps any and all contractual obligations you may have.

I don't consider myself a populist in any way, shape or form, but this is the rage inducing thing that I'm tired of: rewarding failure! Why should my tax dollars go to a company that's put itself on the rocks? And why should their executives continue to get bonuses? No one has yet to explain that to my satisfaction- and I'm tired of double-dealing from Washington- saying one thing and getting caught doing the other the very next week.

No more rewarding failure!

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