Monday, March 14, 2011

I Agree...

...with Bill Kristol on this one. President Obama's response to Libya has been disgraceful, there's no other word for it. We've gone way past the point of pathetic and this is an outright national shame. These people weren't asking for an invasion, they just wanted help. And maybe a no-fly zone. And we managed to help the Afghans chase the Soviets out by giving them Stinger missiles by the bucketload- not even a no-fly zone there.

What's happening in the Middle East is the most important foreign policy challenge the President is going to face. And he's fucking it up. I'm not a neo-conservative who thinks we should invade everyone for freedom, liberty, truth, justice and The American Way and all that crap, but these guys are asking nicely. We should send them more than a damp handshake and rhetorical drivel. We can do that at least.

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