Monday, March 7, 2011

Disenfranchise The Young

Way to win the future, Republicans. It's bad enough the older generation is robbing my generation blind of any and all choices it might have in life, tying us down with student loan debts that while of our own making have somehow become an economic necessity if we want any shot a somewhat comfortable middle class existence and to top it all off, we get to pay for your retirement.

And now, they want to disenfranchise college students. Why? Well here's the money quote, kids:
New Hampshire's new Republican state House speaker is pretty clear about what he thinks of college kids and how they vote. They're "foolish," Speaker William O'Brien said in a recent speech to a tea party group. "Voting as a liberal. That's what kids do," he added, his comments taped by a state Democratic Party staffer and posted on YouTube. Students lack "life experience," and "they just vote their feelings."

Feelings? What feelings would those be? Irritation bordering on outright rage that my future is being taken from me by a bunch of self-centered, paternalistic narcissists? Those feelings?

I'd like to offer a counter-proposal: I think it should be illegal for anyone over the age of 40 to vote. People that old start to lose their mental capacity for anything resembling common sense so that when they do govern they waste time with social issues no one cares about instead of fixing the damn economy like they're supposed to be doing!

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