Saturday, December 8, 2012

Is it Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan?

Speculation is rife in the wake of the latest teaser trailer for Star Trek: Into Darkness. Who exactly is Benedict Cumberbatch playing? For a long time I've been fighting the notion that JJ Abrams would be silly enough to bring back one of Trek's iconic villains, namely Khan- Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan is the Trek movie of Trek movies... you don't futz around with that.

And yet... Abrams surprised me by out and out destroying Vulcan in his Star Trek remake which I thought was a ballsy move as it signaled an effective break with existing Trek orthodoxy (yes, after nearly five decades, umpteen television shows and movies in some quarters it has indeed become almost orthodoxy and dogmatically so- to the detriment of the franchise.) And a willingness to take the franchise in a new direction. But somebody is coming back for vengeance...

There's a little dash, a little hint of Khan in there but it also pre-supposes the idea that Kirk (like in the original movies) had run into Khan before... which unless we're missing something that's to be revealed in the movie, he hasn't yet. All of which makes me wonder if this is either an elaborate fake out and we're going to get somebody totally new or it's someone from the Trek-verse that we've seen before but whose appearance will be totally unexpected.

Either way: I'm totally PUMPED.

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