Friday, March 22, 2013

Food Adventures #25: Bacon Mac N'Cheese Wontons

I decided to get my fusion on this month and combine bacon, mac n'cheese and wontons- three of my favorite comfort foods into one tasty, crunchy morsel of goodness and the results- the results were amazing, save for one missing piece: a decent dipping sauce.

First, we had to make the bacon mac n'cheese:

I took half a pound of hickory smoked bacon and half a white onion and sauteed it up in some white wine. When the wine had just about reduced down, I added a couple of decent squirts of Sriracha sauce for a kick and kept right on cooking until it was all the way done and nicely browned and caramelized. Then, I cooked up a couple of boxes of mac n'cheese. Yes, yes- I know- Mother Cigar has already given me some grief about using the box stuff but I haven't tackled homemade mac n'cheese yet (that might be a Food Adventure for next month...) Mix it all together and you have your wonton filling.

Next step- the wontons:

I've never assembled wontons before. Last time we played it straight with the crab rangoons, the Missus was on assembly duty and I was on mixing duty. Assembling them was harder than I thought it'd be- primarily because I have big man fingers as a posed to delicate wee little ones but with some practice I managed it. Here's the beautiful touch though: to seal 'em up good, I drained off some bacon grease and used that. It made the edges of the wontons crisp up beautifully.

What resulted were amazing... crunch, cheese and bacon with just a touch of Sriracha. What they were missing, however was a decent dipping sauce. When the Missus pointed this out, my initial instinct said 'ranch' but after some reflection I'm not so sure... some kind of a white cheddar queso could be amazing but I'll have to ponder that for our next round of wontons. (The Missus suggested bacon cheeseburger. Which sounds amazing.)

My Verdict: with a decent dipping sauce, these could be awesome little morsels of goodness for any occasion. Viva La Fusion and Viva La Wontons!

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