Monday, October 31, 2011

This Is The Story Of the HurriCain...

The national media is all abuzz over the supposedly explosive allegations that 2 women are accusing Presidential Candidate Herman Cain of sexual harrassment. Politico broke the story here and instead of reading the rantings on the left and the right about it, I decided to go read it myself.

I'm not impressed:

First, sexual harassment is bad. To a certain degree, this is probably inevitable- more so for Republicans, even more so for Republicans that can't be put into the nice, 'fat, racist, hick' box that the media usually likes. If these allegations are true, then it's fair game. If they were found to be untrue, Cain needs to say that and move on.

Second, criticism of Politico is fair game. This story is way too short on specifics and extremely vague. I mean, are we taking actual physical contact? Inappropriate jokes? A weird reference to boobs? What? There are degrees of sexual harassment that are very relevant to the story that just aren't there. And if they were that serious, how come this is the first we heard of it? Did they have to dig that much?

Third, I'm not totally sold on Cain- but he is a genuine outsider. Ron Paul might be the other one in the Republican race. So part of me (the cynical part of me) doesn't find this surprising. The Establishment is under threat so they are doing their best to kneecap the genuine outsider in the race- who, if he gets the nomination has a serious shot at winning the whole ball of wax.

But we'll see how this shakes out. One thing is for sure, Politico looks like it was grasping for something, anything to throw at Cain which does not make them look good. If they've got something genuine to report then this does not help their cause.

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