Thursday, October 6, 2011


After a nice workout and some deep thought, I'm a little more at peace with the world. Kids, I want you to follow me through this line of thinking.

Until the Elites (whether of the Left, Right, Republican, Democrat, Media, Business, Cultural, Political- all of them) are neutered and put back into their proper place, gridlock and malaise will continue. Therefore, any attack on the elites in my book, is a good thing.

The Internet (and Steve Jobs played a vital role in this) is pushing power outwards and downwards and into the hands of individuals like you and I at an ever expanding rate. Centralization of power impedes progress, therefore any centralization of power, in my book is a bad thing.

The Tea Party (such as it is) has made it's name attacking the sacred cows of the Elite Left. (Bloated public pensions, ineffective public education systems, unsustainable entitlement commitments teacher's unions and their effect on education, neo-Socialists attempts to turn us into Europe.)

OccupyWallStreet seems (after a rough start, they seem to be focusing down a bit) to be going after the sacred cows of the Elite Right- (corporate welfare, crony capitalism, legalized corruption in Congress that waters down effective regulation of corrupt corporations.)

So in other words, Elites of all varieties are being attacked from both sides. I can get behind this and give it a big old two thumbs up.

I still think there's more work to be done. We're in a fundamental moment of transformation and we need a new politics and a new ideology (or ideologies) for the 20th Century. I have little patience for decades old socialist talking points being constantly repackaged and passed off as something 'radical'. I have even less patience for a party that says that government is depraved and must be destroyed yet curiously insists that government stick around to enforce a moral obligation to dictate what a woman can do to her own body, whom a person can marry and whether they can engage in moral, ethical family planning by easy access to whatever means of contraception they choose to employ. Such hypocrisy makes me sick.

The true transformation of this country can only begin when we break down the barriers that the Elites impose on us and those that we impose on ourselves. When we truly realize that America deserves better than what our elites have to offer us, then we will be truly free.

I say all this as a registered, proud, fiercely Independent voter. You better believe I'm going to remain that way.

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