Thursday, October 6, 2011


Oh Good Lord.

I suppose it was inevitable, given that you know, it's Iowa City- but why? Why? Why? It's like the silly Peace Camp all over again- and after enough drunk students had pissed on their tents (I actually know someone who copped to that, btw) and enough people had egged their tents, they pulled up stakes quick enough.

It's just amazing to me how many of these protestors seem to be wearing brand name clothes. And probably are going to college because of the jobs that Mommy and Daddy have and you know, in the few videos I've seen, a lot of them seem to be equipped with iPhones, iPods and all the sexy trappings of technology that they purchased with their evil, capitalist dollars. And when commentators on the P-C website go on about the evils of globalisation and how workers are devalued, I gotta ask: where do you work? Wal-Mart? McDonald's? Another shitty minimum wage job? I'm betting not. (Oh and the majority of these protestors look pretty white to me. Privileged and white. Hardly the downtrodden masses here.)

So I guess I am the 1%. I'm not s self-righteously, hypocritical progressive whining about how unfair life is and how we shouldn't have to pay for anything.

Oh and I don't own an iPhone.

UPDATED: Another good question- why aren't they occupying K-Street? Or Congress for that matter...

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