Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pondering 2011

1. Finish my novel. (Yes, I'm going to call it that.)

2. Get inked.

3. Craft and Live A Healthy Lifestyle (Lose 50 pounds, less beer, less soda, etc, etc.)

4. Plant a garden. Learn to love yardwork.

5. Make my own bread. From scratch.

6. Make my own pasta. From scratch.

7. Work On The Book BackLog

8. Write, Tweet, Communicate as much as possible. (#7 and #8 will probably be annual players in this list of yearly goals.)

9. Bring back a golden oldie from 2010: paint a picture on canvas. (Let's throw in getting my photography on. Time to use the old tripod and take a picture or two. On occasion I take good pictures.)

10. Read The Bible. That may seem like an oddly incongruous goal to throw in here, but it's something I've always wanted to do and there are enough arguments about what it says and doesn't say. Time to find out for myself.

11. Get At Least One, Maybe 2 of my languages back up to their fighting weight. Especially Spanish, which I've found is damn hard to try and remember how to speak over a phone.

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