I try to be original and unique on my blog- which is why you won't see me review all that many beers, if any at all. I suppose, when you get right down to it, the internet is big enough for two bloggers that drink and post some thoughts on beer, but while I drink beer, I have yet to develop the nose and quiet obsession with it that The Quiet Man has. If you want some serious information on beer, go check his blog out. If you want to know what I thought of a random trio of Holiday Brews, keep reading.
So, time: 1:39 PM Central Standard Time
Place: At my computer desk.
On The Netflix: Yet another episode of Top Gear, my continuing obsession.
The Brew: Anchor Brewing Company's Christmas Ale 2010
Thoughts: I like Anchor Beer. It's tasty and damn good, so when The Quiet Man mentioned his anticipation of their seasonal and unique Christmas brew arriving, I figured I'd keep an eye out as well- thinking, perhaps foolishly on my part, that one good brewing company would brew nothing but good beers. It arrived. I tasted. And I didn't like- initially. Too bitter, too much taste of believe it or not, Christmas tree. It just didn't go down well.
The second go-round has proved more interesting. It goes down smooth- and I stand by my original contention: there is a hint of Christmas tree in the taste, but this time around, it's thankfully sublimed to the aftertaste. But this is where my lack of beer-tasting experience fails me, because after that, I'm absolute crap at finding any flavors beyond that. The romantic in me wants to say that there's a healthy dollop of roasted chestnuts tucked in there for the sake of the Christmas spirit, but I'm not entirely sure. Part of me wants to say there might be hints of chocolate in there as well, but again, I'm crap at finding flavors. Which raises a point- a point that we can apply to all sorts of alcohol: is the joy finding the flavors on the back of the label? Or does the joy come with discovering flavors that only you can smell in your own septum? I don't know- but while I'll say that I was wrong and the Anchor 2010 was nowhere near as bad as I thought it was, I will have to insist that amongst this year's Christmas brews- Anchor 2010 was right up there with the good ones, but wasn't the best. Sorry.
Round Two- the time: 4:18 PM
The Place: Still At My Desk
On The NetFlix: Yeah, another episode of Top Gear. At this rate, I'm going to need a vintage car and a shop.
The Brew: Blue Moon's Winter Abbey Ale
Thoughts: Well, let's see- the label says: 'roasted malts, a touch of wheat and a rich caramel flavor with a smooth toffee finish.' Hmmmm..yeah, I'm really bad at this beer thing. There is almost no bitterness with the Blue Moon- unlike the Anchor and the flavors seem more well-defined and overall, make the beer smoother to drink and to taste. Problem is, I'll be buggered if I can figure out just what the flavors are. Hmmmm... let me keep thinking about this. Maybe caramel- and there's certain a roasted, nutty flavor to this that's nice. But toffee? I'm struggling to find it. Honestly, when I drink this, I don't think to myself 'yeah, there's a healthy hint of Heath Bar in this mother.' Jesus, I don't get this. I need lessons, because really and truly when I drink this, it tastes like beer. How lame is that? Apparently the only remedy for shocking lack of palate on my part is to well, drink more beer. But- this is richer than the Anchor Christmas Ale- and I like that.
Round 3- the time: A nightcap- 9:54 PM
The Place: At my desk for a victory pint. Iowa women THUMPED Iowa State tonight...
On The NetFlix: Yeah, still that same Episode of Top Gear
The Brew: Schell's Snowstorm 2010
Thoughts: Flavors I recognize... aaaaaah... believe it or not, there's banana. Yes, banana! And it's glorious! Yes, a beautiful fruity aroma greets you when you smell this bad boy and there's a lovely spicy taste as it goes down smoothly. According to The Quiet Man, these winter ales (or Warmers, for the more beer savvy) tend to have a spicy flavor- some of them anyway, as the point is to warm you up on those cold winter nights. Far and away the most complex of the beers in the Brew-haha and honestly, and I know this will piss of the Anchor-fanatics that read this, this was my favorite. Not to hate on the nuts and caramels and toffees, but occasionally, it's nice to have a dark, hearty beer that actually has some complex flavors in it. Perhaps, again, this is because of my immature and unpracticed beer-tooth, but to me, I enjoy complexity. I enjoy taking a sip of beer, holding it away from me and saying 'daaaamn, that's good.' That to me is the mark of a successful. And Schells deserves a lot of props this year, because the 2010 edition of their Snowstorm might just be the seasonal brew against which I judge all future seasonal brews.
Honorable Mentions: Goose Island Mild Winter and Breckenridge Christmas Ale. 'Meh' is what I say to these two- Goose Island was more flavorful of the two, while to me there wasn't a whole lot that made me stand up and take notice the Breckenridge- but they are not bad brews by any stretch of the imagination... just didn't make the cut this year.
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