Thursday, April 12, 2012

Boneheaded Move

I tend not to be that much of an ideologue when you get right down to it. I'm pragmatic and prefer results over foaming at the mouth and finger-pointing over issues that are probably utterly unsolvable. (Unless, you know, it's for sport or fun.) But what does irritate me is when people insist on shooting themselves in the foot. Case in point: the Republicans and this idiocy over birth control. Stop TALKING ABOUT IT already... (though after some thought, if pro-choicers want the government out of their pants- and rightfully so, then they can't reasonably ask the government to pay for their birth control- a matter very much tied up with what goes in their pants.)

Today's case, Hilary Rosen, Democratic Strategist (also, according to several Conservative blogs, pro-SOPA lobbyist and RIAA Henchwoman who shutdown Napster. If anyone else needed a reason to dislike her...) She said this:
Ann’s first tweet came just moments after Democratic strategist and DNC adviser Hilary Rosen lobbed an insult at Ann Romney, suggesting that the 64-year-old mother of five and grandmother of 16 had never held a job.

“Guess what, his wife has actually never worked a day in her life,” said Rosen, who was being interviewed by CNN’s Anderson Cooper about the “war on women.”

Ooops... as the 'graph noted, she's a 64 year old mother of 5, grandmother to 16, she's survived breast cancer and has MS (which I didn't know until recently.) Saying she's never worked a day in her life is probably the most boneheaded move the Left has made thus far in the electoral cycle. Romney had been working hard with limited success to undo the damage of Rick Santorum and companies birth control idiocy and instead the Left just gift-wraps this and hands it to them on a silver platter.

Never mind that Ann Romney seems to be a perfectly nice women who gets social media far more than most candidates or their wives seem to (she's on Pinterest and debuted on Twitter moments after this exchange. Very hip to the new cool things on the Interwebs the kids are playing with.)- the Democrats had momentum with this war on women meme they were playing with. Momentum which has just exploded into a million tiny pieces.

To me, it comes back to the old problem with pro-choice feminism: they only respect choices they agree with. Which pretty much sums up most of the Left in general- you can disagree with them, provided you agree with everything they say to begin with. This was a slap in the face to stay-at-home Moms everywhere and I don't care how rich or poor you are. 5 kids? 5 boys? That's got to be the definition of hard work.

My Mom was a stay-at-home Mom and she worked. Hard. It's one of the many reasons I'm gainfully employed and not running amuck or in jail right now. Stay-at-home parents of either gender should be celebrated not denigrated and it's time the Left showed a little more respect for the choices people make.

You know, what with them being pro-choice and all.

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