Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Stop The Insanity

Apparently I didn't dream this: NPR ran a story on Talk of the Nation yesterday which had a serious discussion about whether or not criticism of Goldman-Sachs is anti-Semitic.

This is insane. Is this insane? Am I alone in this opinion? Two things stand out to me with this discussion: first, it's not just Goldman Sachs it's the whole damn system I have an issue with and I could give a damn whether the Wall Street bankers are Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Wiccans, Christians or whatever. Let me repeat: the whole damn system is broke! Who gives a damn about whether Jews work there or not? (And if there are people who think this is a good excuse for anti-Semitism, all I can say to that is: seek help, morons. Quickly.)

Secondly: this is a perfect example of how damaging the nexus between the media-political and business elites actually is. Goldman execs whine to Congress about anti-Semitism, the media picks it up and somehow, someway, Goldman will get off lightly, all because Congress and the Media don't want to be seen to be anti-Semitic. This story is a god-send to bad bankers on Wall Street. The rich asshole elites can play the victim and nothing ever changes.

Can someone please stop this insanity once and for all?

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