Saturday, April 24, 2010

Picking A Possible Gov

The DFL (Democrats, for the non-Minnesotans out there)- is meeting for its state convention North of the Border as we speak, trying to decide who they're going to endorse for Governor. Hot Dish Politics from the StarTrib has updates, here- and as expected, there are the usual suspects have been up to bat: RT Ryback, Mayor of Minneapolis- Margaret Anderson Keliher, Speaker of the Minnesota House, a couple of state reps I haven't heard of, perennial candidate Ole Savior (real name, I swear) and I think former Senator Mark Dayton is waiting in the wings somewhere, if memory serves.

It should be a long and complicated day at the DFL Convention. Pay some attention to this one, if you have the time. It could be one of the few pieces of good news the Democrats get in the fall. Current Governor Tim Pawlenty isn't running again (presumably to try for the Big Seat in 2012) and I think this is ripe for a pick-up. I've said it before and I'll say it again: the biggest obstacle to Tim Pawlenty running for President is the fact that not a lot of people in Minnesota like him that much. (Oh, and there's the lack of name recognition nationally and the fact that he has the personality of a two by four and all the appeal that brings to the table. But that's just me, really.)

**Why is the DFL, the DFL? Well, it came about in 1944, when the old Farmer-Labor Party merged with the Democratic Party to form the Democratic Farmer Laborer Party (DFL). Minnesota has, apparently a tradition of active and viable third parties- the FLP landing 3 Governors and a raft of Senators and Congresspeople back in the 20s and 30s before the merger- which seemed to come about when attempts to forge the FLP into a national political force came to naught. The DFL now is essentially Minnesota's name for the Democratic Party- only with a couple of extra initials attached. Fun facts for the non-Minnesotans out there!

UPDATE: Looks like they're in the 4th Ballot now and support is slowly shifting to Margaret Anderson Kelliher. At last update, they were down to 4 candidates and Rukavina withdrew, endorsing MAK as he did so, so that should get her more votes. It's gonna come down to her and RT Ryback, I think and it looks like, barring a massive shift somewhere to Ryback, she's going to get the endorsement. (Oh, and I was wrong about Mark Dayton. I thought he was running for Governor, but I guess not.)

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