Sunday, October 6, 2013

Food Adventures #32: CHICKEN AND WAFFLES, PART 2

Behold, the most meta meal I have ever constructed in my life:  Chicken and Waffle Lays Encrusted Chicken and Waffles.   BOOM!  If your mind just imploded into tiny little pieces, give yourself a minute.  I'll wait.

Are you ready?  Are you sure?  Good, I'll continue.   I enjoyed the Chicken and Waffle flavored Lays when they first came out but there was one teensy problem with them:  you got more waffle/syrup flavor then you did the chicken.   Which got me thinking:  what if you used them to bread chicken and serve that with waffles?  Would that enhance the flavor or detract from the flavor?

As it turned out, it actually added to the flavor of the chicken quite nicely.   Even after baking, the chips retained the sweetness of their original flavor and the recipe I got, whatever magic was contained therein kept the chicken breast nice, moist and cooked just about perfectly.  (The recipe also said to flatten or tenderize the chicken.  Boy a footnote warning potential cooks to pound lightly when it comes to chicken would have been nice.  I about dissolved one chicken breast before I realized my mistake and adjusted accordingly.)

Where this experiment fell down is with the waffles.   It didn't fall down entirely.  Let's just say I was working a deadline (the missus had to leave for her internship at around 6.30) and I was trying to cook with an almost 2 year old roaming about looking for trouble to get into.  So I got my dry ingredients mixed and realized that I had run out of flour (I hadn't:  the Missus had plenty in a series of red pots she had purchased for storing precisely such ingredients.  Only problem is, those red jars/pots are usually tucked away in the corner and I genuinely don't think about them.  Or remember that they're there most of the time.)   So I panicked and added some coconut flour.  I bravely kept going, following the instructions until I realized something else:

I had no butter.  Turns out, no butter is no problem because I had plenty of vegetable oil on hand to use a substitute.  I did that and when I mixed the wet with the dry what I got was more dough and less batter.  Waaaaaaaay to thick...  so what did I do?  I added milk.  Probably too much since most of my waffles turned into a crumbly mess- but I salvaged a few good chunks to use in the meal- and they had a nice taste to them, I'm guessing because of the coconut flour.

Just to add some veg into the mix, I threw some peppers, some onion and some viciously hot peppers from the garden of The Quiet Man into some olive oil and sautéed them up as a garnish/addition to the meal.

My Verdict:  a mind blowing intersection of Chicken and Waffle flavored Lays and chicken and waffles themselves, I'd totally take another run at this-  only this time, I think I'd try and give myself a little more time to see if I can get the waffles right!

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