Tuesday, October 1, 2013

2,906 Miles Update #8

September was an extremely busy month for us, so I sort of fell off the exercise wagon and if you fall off of something, what do you do?  You pick yourself back up and get right back on it again.  But I think I need to define my Fitness goals a little more precisely going forward, so here goes:

1.  Next spring/summer I want to be in good enough shape to run a 5k.  Preferably, a Color Run somewhere because I think they look like fun.  In that spirit, I need to get off of my ass and start doing Couch to 5k again.  OUTSIDE.  For reals.  No more excuses!

2. When it comes to the 2,906 Mile Challenge I set myself, I seem to have been stuck in Pennsylvania for an eternity now.   According to my calculations, I have 110 miles of it left and I want to be out of PA by the end of the year!

3.  Diet wise, I want to phase out soda and replace it with tea and coffee.   The Missus is tip-toeing toward low carb/no carb territory but I'm not in that headspace yet.  Oh and start limiting my intake of crap food.

As of 9/1/13: 258.77 miles in

Miles Added: 14.15

So we're now 272.92  miles in, which means the map now looks like this:


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