Sunday, September 1, 2013

2,906 Miles Update #7

Since I'm turning 30 in a few short days, I went and had a physical at the beginning of August and the good news was that I was still down about twenty pounds or so from the beginning of the year- so yay me!   With the arrival of The Cigarillo, however, there's a certain amount of added motivation to get my ass in shape, tone up some muscles (I often think it would be nice to have some six pack abs, if only for a day or so) and get healthy so I can be around and kicking for all my kids (the current one and any that might appear in the future) for a long time to come.

So, the 2,906 miles challenge is back and we ain't stopping until we hit our goal!

As of 6/1/13: 235.59 miles in

Miles Added: 23.18

So we're now 258.77 miles in, which means the map now looks like this:

On to next month!

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