Wednesday, October 14, 2009

To Tweet or Not To Tweet?

I'm considering taking the plunge and getting the Cigar a Twitter Account. To be honest though, it's more of a balancing act for me: do I want to immerse myself in Twitter and learn its secrets and ways? Or is it just going to turn into something massively lame that I never bother checking or using anyway?

This is the debate I'm currently having with myself. When I first heard of Twitter some months ago, I didn't understand the appeal. To be frank, it seemed like a program devoted to posting what amounted to Facebook status updates for all the world to see. Few, if any people care about my Facebook status updates, so I thought why bother with Twitter?

Then came the Iranian Presidential Elections in June- and the protests that followed transformed Twitter into a lame platform for weird-ass notifications into what had the potential to be a micro-news organization. You could log on to the Iran Election stream and watch hundreds of instantaneously updated Tweets from around the region and around the world. It was a fascinating demonstration of the true potential of Twitter and made me sit back and ponder it some more.

But I still don't know... is it worth it? Would people care? Do people even really read the Cigar that much? (I know there must be a few of you and for that, dear readers I thank you...)

I'll open it up to whomever's out there: is Twitter lame and should I not bother? Or is Twitter super-cool and I should hook into it to push the blog out there a bit?

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