Monday, August 9, 2010

Don't Bring Everything...

...not your parents' dorm rooms, says the Press-Citizen, which is true- because Residence Halls and the array of choices that are being offered to incoming students are getting fancier and fancier and broader and broader and I think that's a good thing and a great selling point for any University.

But! If you're sending your kids off to college this fall, let me offer this piece of advice: pack light. For all the amazing things that are in dorms these days, the fact remains is that the rooms are still damn small and you usually have to share them with someone else. Please, parents, please, please, please- I worked move ins and outs as a security guard last year and finding a place for the ridiculous trailers many people brought with them, chock full of little Janey and Johnny's assorted crap was a total nightmare.

Pack light.
You'll save yourselves hours of stress in the August heat if you do!

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