Wednesday, May 19, 2010

2,000 Gay Marriages

...and I'm still waiting for my marriage to collapse, society to collapse and the apocalypse to begin. On an interesting side note: the majority of the marriage thus far have been from non-residents. That's people coming here, renting venues here, having receptions here, booking hotels here and more importantly: spending money here. OK, so the overall economic impact is probably negligible, but anyone who wants to come to Iowa and put some dollars into our economy as a posed to some other state's is all right by me.

I'd like to think I understand the generational unease with gay marriage, but I probably don't. I mean, I get the whole 'slippery slope' thing- what's next, anal sex techniques in school? Teaching that the evil promiscuous homosexual lifestyle is OK? What will our children do? But, at the same time- that's where we need politicians who respect the Constitution of the State of Iowa and- (Hint: not the Republican candidate that rhymes with 'Blander Spats') in our state and in our nation, we need leaders who want to bring us back to a balance between the tyranny of the majority and the tyranny of the minority.

I'm still waiting for that leader.

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