Thursday, January 7, 2010

Epic (Coup D'Etat) Fail

...yet another attempt by Labour MPs to dump Prime Minister Gordon Brown ahead of the upcoming UK elections went precisely nowhere.

Why would you bother doing this? If the election is set for May- you've got to have a leadership contest, get the new person in, get their team set up and THEN get set for the election. All the while, the Tories and the LibDems will be banging away about the chaos in the Labour ranks-- (and it's a leadership fight, there would be chaos.)

Although I'm not a huge fan of Brown, dumping his now would be extremely stupid politics (and whether I support your party or not, I'm not a fan of stupid politics, no matter who practices them.) It's easier to lose your majority, dump him, get a new person and start hammering Cameron (or if hell freezes over Clegg and the LibDems) and getting yourself set for the next election.

The writing is on the wall, peeps: Gordon Brown has to prove he's worth a damn at the ballot box- and if he can't hold onto power, then dump his ass.

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