Saturday, January 30, 2010

The $6.4 Billion Question

I'm baffled. The US is selling Taiwan $6.4 billion in arms, weapons and other such things, which I suppose is all well and good, but I remain baffled. The US does in fact have a treaty obligation to 'provide Taiwan with the means to defend themselves.' The Shanghai Communique acknowledges that US is interested in the Chinese resolving the question of Taiwan themselves. We don't want none of that, at least on paper.

Selling Taiwan $6.4 billion worth of weapons is gonna piss China off. Given the chess-like dance the US performs with China over the question of Taiwan in a good year, I'm wondering why we decided to put what amounts to a bag of dog s--t on their doorstep and light it on fire right at the present time.

So, I remain, baffled.

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