Saturday, November 5, 2011



I've got my share of issues with the Occupy crowd. I don't think camping out in a park is a particularly radical act of anything much at all. I think if what we had isn't working then time should be spent figuring out how to fix it and if it can't be fixed then figuring out what the best solution actually is.

Ironically, in one of those weird inversions that happens from time to time- it turns out that the greatest defenders of the status quo are, in fact, the so called Progressives that are fueling this movement.

But leaving that aside for a second: I'm getting really, really tired of condescending editorials from the right-wing blogosphere about the Occupy crowd. Like I said, I've got my issues with them- but as a Millenial, I understand wholeheartedly where they are coming from and then some. My generation was sold a bill of goods and then some: go to college (no, it doesn't matter what you major in- as long as you go) get a job, pay off your cheap, easy student loans (and no, it doesn't matter where you get them from either) and then get house, wife, kids, white picket fence, typical all-American cliche bullshit. That's what we were sold. That's what we expected. That's what we were told that we were entitled too...

Except it doesn't work anymore, does it? The Establishment- both sides of it, sold us on this idea that we've all got this God-given right to be suburbanite cliches and then the economy took a shit and they can't deliver. It was all right in the 90s: you could major in video games and peanut butter and carve out a life for yourself. No longer.

I don't know what the solution is supposed to be yet, but please, let's not piss all over these people. Attack their ideology. Attack their 'I want a pet unicorn' myopic excuses for policy making. But don't attack them. They're angry, they're pissed off and there's a damn good reason why.

We was robbed. And thems that doin' the bitchin' about Occupy are those complicit in the robbery of an entire generation...

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