Friday, May 15, 2009


There's a new documentary hitting theaters soon called 'Outrage', which examines the inherent hypocrisy of politicians who campaign against gay rights while being closeted and gay themselves. Most of the politicians are, surprise, surprise, Republicans.

What are the ethics of this? I'm being serious with this question- personally, I view one's sexuality and whether or not to announce it to the world as an incredibly private thing, which is why the whole premise of Outrage rubs me the wrong way. Who are these filmmakers to out these people, Republican or not, anti-gay or not? (I've never been in the closet before, being straight- but I would imagine the fumes from mothballs alone would make anyone do and say pretty crazy, weird stuff.) The debate gets trickier, because I've never really had to do any serious wrestling with sexual identity. I like boobs and am completely unapologetic for it... picture might be different if I'd been raised in a hardcore religious household that believes homosexuality to be an abomination. How does one overcome that? Is it possible?

So these politicians are closeted- and that's another facet of this movie: sure, you can be in the closet, but if you're in the closet, does that give you the right to legislate against gay rights?

I don't know... but I want to watch this movie. It may annoy me, but at least it will be thought-provoking.

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