Thursday, May 21, 2009

I Don't Care About American Idol

...just thought I would let everyone know. I never watch it regularly, think the music ranges from god-awful to excremental and just don't care. (To be fair, they've gotten a lot more musically diverse in recent years, but still, I don't care.)

However, last night Kris Allen was crowned instead of Adam Lambert. Certain parts of America are shocked, shocked I say to find out that a contest that's dependent on the public liking you is entirely like voting for Homecoming Queen. It's not about the music, sillies, it's about popularity- and apparently people liked Kris Allen more.

Now, this insipid reality show has become all about the country expressing its homophobia and denying Lambert the crown that was 'rightfully' his. To whit:
It's a real shame that Idol is decided by the public and not just music professionals, because let's face it, the voting public is not that bright. The public voted George W. Bush twice as president. The public thinks Halliburton is Liz Taylor and Richard Burton's daughter. The public votes on who they want to 'hang out' with.

Ah, so apparently, we, the American people are a bunch of drooling morons who can't be trusted to pick the right American Idol. I honestly don't know whether to laugh, cry or scream over the above statement, because it's very typical of a lot of people who reside in the 'I Wear Tin Foil Hats And Think Sean Hannity and/or DailyKos Are The Sources For Absolute Truth In America Today' sectors of the political spectrum. I can't stand people who work from the default assumption that the majority of Americans are two steps short of being mentally retarded and therefore should do what their told and that other, smarter people know best.

Screw you people and listen up: a. take a deep knee bend everyone. It's American Idol. Who gives a damn? b. It's not about Lambert's sexuality- because as far as I know, he hasn't said a thing about it, his sexuality, rightly being, you know, none of our business- instead, it's about inevitability. The show's producers spun this beautifully- Lambert was going to sweep all before him, destroying his opponents and being crowned the most talented, kick-ass Idol of all time... take a deep breath and consider this: the Producers set Lambert up to be taken down, not because he may or may not be gay, but because David slaying Goliath is going to draw better ratings, better publicity and even a little bit of controversy- all of which is going to translate into what? Oh yes, that's right- more money for them.

The lesson: reality shows are SO totally rigged. Go figure. (Hey, did you know professional wrestling is fake too? Or do we need a lesson on the WWE?)

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