Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day

Dug up some stuff on the origins of May Day, here... nothing very spectacular I'm afraid. I do like the fact that while we here in America usually celebrate May Day by leaving each other baskets of candy on doorsteps, ringing the bell and running like hell before someone sees us, pretty much every other worker in the world gets a day off.

Usually to go protest or march, mind you- but they still get a day off. And here's the punch line: the rest of the world (at least the countries that recognize May 1st as International Workers Day) gets a day off to commemorate something that happened here. (Namely, the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago in 1886.)

I want a day off, thank you. I work hard and deserve to celebrate with my fellow workers... but alas, no. I'll trudge to work and continue my demeaning and morally questionable job, just like I always do.

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