Friday, July 27, 2012

The Uniform Brouhaha

The brouhaha over Team USA's uniforms is just silly. It's beyond silly it's ridiculous, stupid and everything in between and Ralph Lauren was well within his rights to tell everybody to 'fuck right off.' It annoys the shit out of me when politicians a lot of whom spend their time preaching about the glories of capitalism and the glories of globalization and the glories of the free market fail to grasp how it really works and get their underwear in a bunch about things they shouldn't. Let's discuss:

We don't make clothes in America anymore. We haven't for awhile now. Looking at your clothes and hoping to find a 'MADE IN THE USA' tag? Think again. That's globalization for you. Other countries can make our clothes faster and cheaper and that's what we went with. (So, our brigade of politicians that get all aroused talking about the virtues of the free market, this is what it looks like. Get used to it.)

Second of all, let's look at the uniforms in question:

Berets? How American... well, you can tell it's Ralph Lauren what with the blazers, the berets and the 'northeastern preppy' look. They're kind of ugly, really- until you take into account what Spain has:

They're under a bit of an economic squeeze right now, so they had to go with uniforms that were free. Whatever else you can say about Team USA's uniforms, at least we can still afford to pay for ours. Wonder what our free ones would have looked like.

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