Saturday, June 1, 2013

Big News, Sports Fans...


For I don't know how long, I've been writing.  I wrote in elementary school, I wrote in high school- for my U.S. Literature class junior year, I churned out a sixty page, single spaced novella that had to have been a god awful mess (and to be honest, I'm not even sure my teacher read it.  She just gave me the A.)  Last year, I go back through the pages and pages of concepts, half-written fragments and bloated chapters and began the long process of binding them all together to try and make a novel out of them.

What I ended up with was about 120,000 words.  They weren't really what I would call a cleaned up, ready to publish story yet-  so then I began the longer process of cleaning up my pile of words and a couple of months ago, I finished what I could, for the first time, actually call a complete novel.

I gave it to a few select people to read... (The Quiet Man, The Missus and the Cigar Parentals amongst others) and once they're all done and I've got all their feedback, I'll be ready for one final polish and then...   then I'm going to publish it.   Those last five words suddenly seem very, very scary to me (suddenly, it's all so real.  Aaaaaaaah...)  but I believe in this story that I've written, I believe in the characters that I've created and whether you like it (I hope you will) or hate it-- I think it's only fair that I let other people read it.

I've got a Facebook page (like my Facebook page!!):

And you can follow me on Twitter:

So stay tuned in the coming weeks...  I'll have a title reveal, a cover reveal- a final release date to announce!

Thanks for joining me on this ride...

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