Saturday, September 8, 2012

Are Republicans Fooling Themselves?

Yes, yes they are- but not for the reasons that this article presents. First of all, there's this gem:
More than that, the conservative case can’t break through the left-controlled education system that has profoundly shaped the Millennials. True, youth unemployment is giving many second thoughts about Obama, yet it’s been more a matter of sapping Millennial enthusiasm than of changing attitudes and ideas.

Dude, don't call me a brainwashed tool of the Democratic Party and expect me to vote for you. I'm not an idiot and I'm a product of the education system that Conservatives now despise and this attitude irritates me. Saying to people my age, 'well, you've been indoctrinated, you're stupid' is no way to win our votes.

Second of all, if Republicans would move on some social issues, they'd be the majority party. I'm not saying total surrender on every issue, but I think we can all agree abortion should be legal, safe and rare. I think we can all agree that marriage is good and we should have more of it and until the Republican Party comes up with a sound, sane position on immigration (and the rest of these issues) they risk irrelevancy.

If they get back in, it'll be because the economy is bad. They won't stay in because whether they want to admit it or not, they're losing the long term argument.

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