Monday, September 10, 2012

2,906 Miles

OK: I've tried treadmills. I've tried running. I've tried Couch to 5k. I've tried ellipticals. I've tried the South Beach Diet and the Grapefruit Diet and I just can't seem to find a rhythm to get working out on a regular basis. So, kids, I'm going back to the drawing board: walking.

I can walk. And there's no reason I can see that I shouldn't be walking at least a mile a day- outside while the weather's good, inside when it gets colder and I can build up to longer distances and hopefully eat healthier and get some of this weight off me. We'll see how I'm doing in the New Year- I might get ambitious and start jogging then.

I honestly think my problem is that I'm starting too big. I'm not in the shape nor the age that I used to be- I can't just go and stagger through a mile run the way I could in college. Start small, build up from there. So, walking!

And I've got a goal:

No, I'm not actually going to walk across America, but according to Google Maps, it's 2,906 miles from New York City to San Francisco. Walk, bike, run, ski, skate or crawl (well, hopefully not that) it seemed like a number worth aiming for. And just to make it fun, I'll try and update my progress every month so you can see me inch my way across America (kind of).

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