Saturday, August 10, 2013

This Week In Vexillology #41

Last week, we were in Malaysia but this week we're going to wacky wild and totally random and jump into the Pacific Ocean feet first and check out the flag of Beluu er a Belau- or as it's more commonly known, the Republic of Palau!

I'm going to admit something kind of shocking, kids.  I know absolutely nothing about Palau.  I mean, I know where it is (the Pacific Ocean, near my all-time favorite, rage inducing Hangman clue The Federated States of Micronesia) but that's about it.  Right off the bat, I was surprised- the population of Palau is estimated at about 20K or so which means that it's a country with roughly the same population as Coralville, IA.   That boggled my mind a bit.

The capital is Ngerulmud, located in Melekeok State while it's largest city is Koror (which accounts for 70% of the country's population with 14K people living there.  Ngerulmud in contrast has a population that I can't really find and has only been the capitol since 2006.)  The country was under the control of the United States from 1945 to 1981 as part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands that the US administered jointly with the United Nations.   Palau, along with the Marshall Islands voted against joining the Federated States of Micronesia in 1979, opting for independence in 1981 and signed a Compact of Free Association with the United States in 1994.

The flag was adopted January 1st, 1981 for national and civil usage.  Blue represents the freedom of self-rule while the golden disc represents the full moon (it's slightly off set making it similar to the flag of Bangladesh and dissimilar to the flag of Japan) which is considered by Palauans to be the optimum time for all human activity.*  (Mainly harvesting and celebrations- and the moon is seen as symbol of peace, love and tranquility.)

Like GI Joe said kids- now you know and knowing is half the battle!  So put your hands together and give it up for the Republic of Palau!  And remember, until next time keep your flags flying- FREAK or otherwise!

*As a Dispatcher, I can confirm that the Palauans are on to something with this full moon business.  Shit gets nuts leading up to and especially on the full moon.   The Missus confirms a similar thing happens in hospitals.  It's nice to know that some people out there actually look forward to and have fun on full moons.

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