Thursday, February 21, 2013

Food Adventures #21: CHICKEN AND WAFFLES

Kids, I freely admit that I am a sucker for food promotions. Doritos Locos Tacos? Excited the hell out of me- when the Cool Ranch ones show up next month I am THERE. With my SOMBRERO ON. Crystal Pepsi? Drank it. Surge? Drank that. Orbitz? Drank plenty of that. New flavors of Wheat Thins, Cheez-Its and Doritos? Gotta try them. (Those Pepper Jack Doritos make me glad that I'm trying my best to stay healthy. Back in the day they could have been baaaaaaad news for my snacking habit.)

When I first started seeing the Lays Commercials for this stupid Facebook vote thing they were doing I had to track down all the flavors- including the most exciting flavor of them all CHICKEN AND WAFFLES!

To me, this is the most exciting food combination EVER MADE. I mean, waffles by themselves are pretty good. Chicken by itself is pretty good (anyone who's had KFC or one of these can attest to that. Mmmmmm... another deliciously unhealthy food.) But together? MIND BLOWN. Could they work as potato chips though? That was the question... Sriracha chips (another flavor I enjoy) were good but spicy- like heart burn inducingly spicy. And I'm not a fan of heart burn. The cheesy garlic bread chips? Also good- but tasted a little too buttery for my liking. (Ironic, isn't it? I'm eating greasy potato chips and I think they're too buttery.)

Anyway, I can definitively say that these were awesome. And I've some really bad chips over the years (the hamburger flavored Doritos were an epic disaster.) These got my vote on the stupid Facebook thing that they were doing and I will be staying far, far, far away from any large bags of these in the future because they will vanish quickly. ('Into MAH BELL-EH')

You might see these chips as being symptomatic of the very real problem of America's expanding waistlines and you wouldn't be wrong there- but to me, along with our waistlines, we've got a problem of willpower that's worth addressing. 'Everything in moderation' is a motto worth adopting, but we're not that kind of country. No, we're go-getters and high-flyers and we want to be bigger, faster, stronger and do crazier shit than you because this is America, dammit! Anything you can do, we can do better- or choose not to do well in it all, like soccer. So I'm going to raise a toast to the creative lunatic that thought chicken and waffles would be a good flavor for a potato chip- because they are. And the fact that someone thought this was so crazy, it just might be good restores a little bit of my faith in the American dream. Insanely wonderful crazy things can still happen here. And that rocks.

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