Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Terry Is A Comin'

...after public salaries and, by extension the public employees unions. He wants to re-work the pay scale and is talking pay cuts and making people pay for insurance.

Awesomeness. Don't get me wrong, I love my job to death and want to keep it the way it is, but I'm also not silly enough to immolate myself with demands that may not be tenable in the long term. I used to make diddly-poo hocking a morally and ethically questionably for-profit college to various people at a call center in Coralville. This job and its salary is a huge step up and I'm grateful...

Re-working the pay scale? OK, that I'll take. Paying for insurance? As long as it's not a lot, I'm open to the suggestion. A pay cut? I'd rather not.

Besides, when Mr. Branstad tells us what HIS pay cut is going to be, then I'll listen. When the pain is shared equally between the governed and the governors, then we can talk. If it isn't going to be then Branstad can go spit, quite frankly.

My question for Mr. Branstad: what your pay cut going to be? (So glad I'm not voting for this guy...)

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