Sunday, May 22, 2011

Squeezing Colonel Nutbag

Seems like the noose is tigtening around Qadaffi in Libya. The rebels have managed to secure Misrata or at least ease the pressure on that city, there's another front opening up in the mountains south of Tripoli and it looks like there might be an organized offensive towards Brega in the East.

The ICC has issued an arrest warrant for him. Another Minister has defected.

It's not looking good for the Colonel. And that's a wonderful thing in my book. A couple of things to hurry this a long: diplomatic recognition for the NTC would be nice, Mr. President... I mean, if we're going to jump in here and spend political and military capitol, let's do the job right. But I think a little more cash and a little more help in the right places as well as a more pressure on Qadaffi will eventually get this job done. Maybe even sooner than people think.

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